Everyday Armor

Equipping our Children for Battle

Preparing for Battle

Each morning, I ask my three young daughters to brush their teeth, brush their hair, and make up their beds. These all sound simple; however, my daughters fight me on this Every. Single. Day.

With the chorus of moaning and groaning you would think that I have demanded that they power wash the driveway and clean the gutters. Honestly, I am not a party-pooper, but I do have a deeper reason for creating these habits. My goal is to teach them to get into the daily routine of taking care of their bodies and possessions.  

As I was knee-deep into this morning routine adventure, I realized that I was missing a huge opportunity to encourage them to get their hearts ready before Christ each morning too. Brushing teeth is incredibly important and a tidy bed certainly sets a wonderful tone for the day; however, what good is all of this if my daughters fail to honor God in the way they think, act, and behave?

Through my years of learning more about God, His word, and His ways I have learned that having a consistent quite time with Lord draws me nearer to His will and instruction. Throughout the bible, we see that God uses these quiet and still moments to prepare us for what is in our future.

In Joshua 8:1, God gives Joshua instructions to enter into war with the city of Ai. During this conversation, we see that after God gave his instructions, he told Joshua “Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”

Joshua was a warrior; he knew that God was leading him into a scary situation and yet while Joshua was spending time with the Lord, God was there with him reminding him to be courageous.

Joshua did not know how things were going to come to pass, but he was being led by the one who knows every ending.  Our God knows our battles before they begin, He has already visited the victory party, and made the bed for our rest. But how can we receive God’s wisdom and guidance we need for victory if we do not set aside time to meet with Him?  

Battle Plan

Over the years, my quiet times have become more consistent and fruitful. During my quiet time, I beg God to lead me in my roles as wife and mom and I ask that He help me lead our little family in a way that honors Him.

But that is where I stopped. I had not brought my daughters into this time with the Lord. I had not opened the door, brought them in, and introduced them to the benefit of these quiet and still moments.  These appointments are when God turns us into warriors and gives us our marching orders. Just like with Joshua, these are the occasions when we are equipped to serve, trained to fight, and receive the battle plan.

What a privilege it is as Christ-following mamas to teach this to our children. We get to show them that faith is not something we innately have within us but rather a seed planted by God with the responsibility of cultivation placed in our hands. We must actively tend to our faith and allow our children in on the process.

Entering into Battle

Friends, in Ephesians 6:11-17 Paul warns us that we will be at war. He told us to prepare for attacks in the physical and spiritual realms and to proactively suit up with the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation, the sword of the Spirit, and fit our feet with readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. By intentionally layering on this armor, Paul encourages us that we can stand against the devil’s schemes when they come, not if they come.

As you may know, our family has recently overcome a health battle. Throughout Matt’s cancer journey, we prayed as a family for healing and I watched our daughters’ prayers grow with boldness and intensity as they became more aware of the spiritual power in the armor of God.

Our daughters are learning from this time to cling to God, His word, and His promises. It is evident to them that trials are promised, not possibilities. They are learning to use God’s word to fight worry and speak God’s promises over their daddy, our family, and our future.

On the other side of our battle, I pray that they have grown closer to the Lord and have personally experienced His grace, mercy, and goodness. I also pray they find peace in meeting with the Lord and laying their precious hearts down at the foot of the cross.

I would have not chosen to take them into this battle, but I know that God has plans to use this in their life. He has used this already to show them that they are warriors and how to cling to the Lord while He leads us through a battle and on to victory.

Quiet Time Battle Plan

Take heart, darling friends, and know that the God who held the lions’ mouth shut for Daniel, the God who parted the sea for the Israelites, and the God who rose Jesus from the grave is leading you and your family through each and every battle.

We are all warriors. We are either about to enter war, in the foxhole right now, or claiming the victory and entering rest. That is the cycle we experience on earth and will continue to do so until we take up residence in Heaven.

It is in moments of focused connection with God that we learn to put an end to our own striving, fixing, and doing and learn to be led by the one who has gone before us to claim the victory. It is in the stillness where we can hear Him whisper “do not be afraid; do not be discouraged”.  As Christians we can rest in knowing that He has already overcome the world and the final victory is His.

Now mamas, let us bring our children into the stillness we have with God and introduce them to the relationship we share with our Heavenly Father. Waiting until they are mature and grown is too late. Let them see the gospel alive in you, allow them into the messiness of battle preparation, and watch them grow into mighty warriors before your eyes.