Open Your Bible, Part 1

Taking the Drama Out of Bible Study

Do you ever go through seasons where your Bible sits on a shelf, untouched for weeks at a time? Are you ever intimidated by all the books in the Bible? Is it easy for you to put off digging into your Bible because you don’t know where to begin? I have suffered from all of these experiences that have kept me from reading and studying my Bible and I am here to offer a way out of overwhelm and procrastination and a way into a habit of reading that you cherish and enjoy.

For the next three weeks, we are going to explore studying the Bible by examining why we should study, how to set up the habit of studying, and when to do it to help us dig deep into our Bibles and establish a study habit that will last a lifetime.

Why Study the Bible?

Isn’t going to church on Sundays enough? Can’t I just soak up what the pastor says and be done with it? It depends. Do you want to have a close relationship with God and Jesus? Do you want to know for yourself what God’s word says? If you answered yes to these questions, you better grab that Bible.

In Psalm 119:11 it says I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you. How can you hide something that you don’t have? Reading, studying, and knowing God’s word is an inside job. You must put in the time and effort to learn what it has to teach.

Throughout the Bible, we are told that what is written within it will help those of us who follow Jesus to have guidance and direction such as in Psalm 119: 105 Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path. His word is what opens our eyes to see His goodness, our ears to hear His instruction, and our hearts to discern His guidance.

What do you need?

Are you ready to study? Great! You probably have everything you need to jump right in. All you need is a Bible. That’s it. You do not need fancy highlighters, a beautiful journal, or even a study guide. These are all fun accessories; however, the only necessity is a Bible and a willing spirit.

For beginners, please keep it simple: grab your Bible, crack it open, and read. As you spend more time in God’s word, it will begin to make more sense and you will develop a desire to read and learn more.

Do you need a Bible? Most churches and thrift stores have Bibles for free or fairly cheap. Our church has beautiful Bibles at the Welcome Center for anyone in attendance who doesn’t have one. If you need a Bible, check with your local church or the resources at the end of this post.

What about digital Bibles?

A Bible app is a great tool for Christians and quite handy too. Having one of these apps on your phone allows you to look up a scripture in an instant and can help in memorization. However, when studying the Bible, my opinion is that a hard copy is best.

A digital Bible, while most are free and easy to use, can open the door for other distractions on your phone. Using this version could lead to wandering off and losing focus on the actual studying you intended to accomplish. Using your paper and ink Bible provides an open door to forgo distractions and spend time in the presence of the Lord.

Having a personal and tangible copy of the Bible allows you to refer to it each day, scribble notes and insights, and serve as a hands-on tool for your faith. As I look back through my Bible and see what I have read and written, I am reminded of the many ways that God has shown me His faithfulness and goodness.

One of my favorite things in my Bible is the scribbling of my daughters. Sometimes, when they wake up in the mornings I am still reading. With my lap empty and my Bible open, they will crawl into my lap and doodle in my Bible while I read. They see me writing in it and want to do the same.

Bible Reading Plan

Benjamin Franklin once said, “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.” I love to have a plan. When I know what the future holds, I can relax a bit and enjoy the journey. This is where Bible reading plans are helpful.

The plans that are free and available online are as varied as each of us. I have included two links below to free reading plans; however, a simple search online will produce any kind of study you desire. The links I have provided are for beginners and are meant to be easy to follow and maintain. Remember, we are keeping it simple.

Having a plan takes the guess work out of reading and studying. Each day you have a portion of the Bible to read and then you can move on to the next set of recommended reading. If you like to have a plan for most things in your life, a Bible reading plan is right up your alley.

Getting Started

Getting started may be the hardest part. The Bible can be an intimidating item to tackle; it is God’s Holy Word after all.

For the longest time I would only grab my Bible on Sunday mornings to take to church. For the other six days of the week, it would sit on the shelf gathering dust. This is not the way to nurture a deeper faith or grow in Christian maturity.

It is time to dust off your Bible and dig in. Start simply, don’t overcomplicate it. If you don’t know where to begin, start in Proverbs. This is a beautiful collection of writings from King Solomon with insight into gaining Godly wisdom and how to live a life that is pleasing to God and a joy to experience. For example, one of my favorite scriptures from this book is Proverbs 17:1:

Better a dry crust with peace and quiet than a house full of feasting with strife.

I love how this illustrates to us that it is better to live a humble life and enjoy a peaceful home than to have extravagant feasts with fighting. Isn’t this awesome? This is just one verse of an entire book. Please check it out.

As you prepare to start, restart, or strengthen your daily habit of reading your Bible, I have a few suggestions that will make it easier for you to maintain consistency. First, as I have mentioned several times already, do not overcomplicate this. Taxes? Complicated. Closing on a house? Complicated. Reading the Bible? NOT COMPLICATED. Just do it.

Second, commit to a daily practice of cracking open the Bible and digging in. There is not a prescription for daily reading, you cannot mess this up. If you are feeling overwhelmed by the depth and breadth of the Bible, start reading one scripture a day. Eventually, build on to that habit by reading one chapter a day. As you gain more confidence, you will find a time or length that feels good to you and will allow you to get the best studying completed each day.

Third, pick a space for your studying. Keep your materials and resources close by so that it is as easy as possible to begin studying. For me, I have a spot in my dining room where I leave my Bible and study materials. Each morning when I am ready to study, I know exactly where my things are and I am able to grab them and sit at my kitchen table to read and study.

Visit with the Author

All scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16-17

Finally, we have the best resource available to help us understand and apply the teachings of the Bible, we can talk to the Author. All scripture came from God and He wants us to read His word, learn from the text, and come to Him for a deeper understanding of His ways.

As you read and study, ask God to give you eyes to see and a spirit to learn from what His word says. I promise you that any time spent in God’s word will be a blessing.

You can do this! I am in your corner and praying for you!


Free Bibles:

Reading Plans for Beginners: